What is West Nile, the virus that sent Dr. Anthony Fauci to the hospital?

What is West Nile, the virus that sent Dr. Anthony Fauci to the hospital?

Out of all the viruses that Dr. Anthony Fauci has researched since helming the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, it was West Nile that put him in the hospital recently. 
Fauci, the former chief medical adviser to the Biden administration was not present in the White House on Saturday, his spokesperson said. In the statement it said, “Consequently, a full recovery is expected for the next phase. ” 
They asked the following questions: What is West Nile and how does one get infected? 
People become infected with the virus and it is the Culex species of mosquitoes that transmits the virus. 
After the appearance of the West Nile virus in the United States in 1999, this disease has become the most spread in the country, which is a direct result of people’s interaction with mosquitoes. 
The bugs in question get infected when they feed on diseased birds; once again they transmit the virus to humans through biting. 
Outbreaks are common in August and September, which may be consequent of rainy period. They normally lay their eggs in water that is still and stagnant. 
Data from CDC reveal that up to early August this year, 216 human cases of West Nile has been confirmed in 33 states across the country. Of those patients, 142 developed what is referred to as neuroinvasive disease – that is, inflammation in the brain or its lining, according to the CDC. 
What are the signs of West Nile? 
West Nile affects people and thousands of them are infected each year although many are unaware because they don’t show symptoms. 
According to the CDC, about 1 in 5 people will experience:According to the CDC, about 1 in 5 people will experience: 
Body aches 
Vomiting and diarrhea 
Symptoms normally develop between the third and fourteenth day after being bitten. 
Severe side-effects including bacterial meningitis, paralysis or death can occur but are comparatively rare — occurring in 0. 7%. 
Senior citizens especially those who are aged sixty years and above are at a higher risk. Fauci is as old as 83 years of age. 
Prevention of west Nile: self protection 
The current state of knowledge is regretfully still grim since there’s no cure, no vaccine for West Nile. 
Although scientific studies have suggested that Culex mosquitoes are possibly developing resistance to some of the insects’ killers, it has been revealed that it is advisable and very effective to use repellents like DEET and picaridin. 
Other ways to avoid mosquito bites include:Other ways to avoid mosquito bites include: 
Avoiding contact with people who are infected with the virus, touching one’s face and personal protective gears such as wearing loose fitting clothing that covers both arms and legs. 
Air conditioning if available, or be sure to have screens on all opened windows and doors to prevent flying insects. 
Removing or avoiding filling of places at the exterior parts of homes such as bird baths, flower pots and toys that may contain water which mosquitoes may lay their eggs.