Trump campaign accuses Iran of hacking its internal comms

Trump campaign accuses Iran of hacking its internal comms

Files concerning JD Vance and Marco Rubio were among those that the hackers went through in the major breach 
The hackers claimed to have accessed Trump’s campaign communications and said the Iranian government wanted to ‘interfere’ with ‘2024 Election’. 
Documents connected to potential Republican VP candidate JD Vance and Floria senator Marco Rubio were also viewed by the hackers The files regard Trumps running mate considered to be Pence. 
Politico a political news site, said it started having emails from an unknown person claiming to have original documents from Trump’s operation starting from July. 
They identified documents that belong to the vetting files of the vice presidential candidates – they outline various weaknesses of Mr Vance as a running mate. 
It is still unknown how much information was gathered in this hack, although, it is a large security violation for the Republican presidential candidate’s campaign. 
‘These documents were procured in a wrong manner’ 
Trump’s campaign acknowledged the hack on Saturday in the afternoon after the news broke out. Its spokesman Steven Cheung said, “These documents have been taken from foreign nations that are adversaries of the United States, and these documents were used for the purpose to create an environment of chaos in the United States’s electoral process of 2024. ” 
Consulting a report which Microsoft came out with on Friday, Mr Cheung revealed that Russian hackers funded by Tehran tried to breach into the gmail of a ‘senior official’ involved in a US presidential campaign in June. 

The hackers had compromised an old political adviser’s account then proceeded to use it to send emails to the official, the report alleges. This particular report did not go further to describe the targets of the spies. 
The hackers attacked the Republican party in a bid to fuel Trump’s campaign while their timing proves their support to Trump’s selection of Mr Vance as his deputy but this was not explained by Mr Cheung. 
Mr Vance, 40, a first-term senator from Ohio, who had not been shy to express his disdain for Trump in the past, referring to him, among the other things, as America’s hitler and cultural heroin. 
However, he staged a political detox before the 2022 Senate campaign where he actively applied for and got Trump’s endorsement. 
Some of them include “potential vulnerabilities” that were listed in a 271-page vetting filed compiled by Trump’s campaign regarding the then candidate’s past tweets and comments. 
The Iranian foreign ministry has not commented on the allegations up to now. In response to Microsoft’s findings, on Friday, the Iran’s mission to the UN said that its cyber related capabilities are defensive and commensurate to the threats Iran faces. 
“The US presidential election is our internal affair lets not get involved,” it added. 
The former president experienced a strained relationship with Iran during his tenure and recently, initiated the withdrawal from the nuclear deal signed with Iran by the previous president, Barack Obama and approved the assassination of a top Iranian military officer, General Qassem Soleimani in the year 2020. 
US intelligence officials in the past few weeks reported intercepting plans that Iran had set to attempt to kill Trump, CNN said last month. 
“The Iranians understand that President Trump will put an end to the terror they have unleashed just like he did earlier in his first term as president of the United States,” explained Mr Cheung.