House of the Dragon Tom Glynn-Carney, Phia Saban on Aegon and Helaena Marriage After Season 2

House of the Dragon Tom Glynn-Carney, Phia Saban on Aegon and Helaena Marriage After Season 2

The king and queen of Westeros end Season 2 of HBO's House of the Dragon faced with the same proposition: started to run away as fast as possible or stae facing sure death. 
While still recovering from being barbecued by his brother and current King Regent Aemond (Ewan Mitchell) on dragonback, Aegon (Tom Glynn-Carney) is delivered a hard truth by his Master of Whisperers, Larys Strong (Matthew Needham): If he doesn’t flee from that place, his brother will do it, and he will sit on the Iron Throne from now and ever. In the end of the episode Aegon has to agree with such reality and hides in the dark cart with Larys while going to Braavos until the war will be over. 
It’s not surprising that out of all the terrible choices that Aegon has, this one seems like the least of worst, Glynn-Carney said to TV Guide. The other option is that he sits and waits in his bedroom for them to come and he is in no fit state to defend himself. 
Queen Helaena on the other hand (Phia Saban) after the murder of her and Aegon’s son is offered a similar choice by her mother Alicent (Olivia Cooke) – to run away to safety from King’s Landing now that it is on the precipice of a war. However, the usually non-confrontational Helaena does not back down and, as she openly challenges Aemond saying she will not ride Dreamfyre into the fight and that his threats of her death to prevent her from seeing terrible visions will not work. He has told everything to her and she has seen that he won’t be alive for this war. 
Eventually I will explain Saban’s comment taken from one of the episodes: "I think she is having the most clarity she has ever had with this intuition, this feeling and these visions that she has. " “Frankly, she has been practically cornered as far as options are concerned. ” 
Still, looking at how cold Aegon and Helaena have been this season — and, indeed, their whole lives — it is not exactly lost on the actors that symmetry in the relationships of the couple/siblings means that they are in similar boat at the end of Season 2. 
“They are quite strong mirrors of each other just in the sense there’s no dialogue present there,” Saban said. “Yes, in a way, they actually do want a common language; he has this horrible trauma and so does she the only two people in the world and they cannot be there for each other then they are both powerless; she dissociates from the world and he is not respected and then he gets completely paralyzed they both have to GO somewhere and be SAFE. 
Casting this in-between-camera relation, Glynn-Carney states that he and Saban shared an unspoken word when shooting about Jaehaerys’ death uniting Aegon and Helaena more than they comprehend or desire. ”Me and Phia liked to regard it as it endeared them more and they were on the same page for a while,” he said. “I then saw both get to be more human like beings. ” 
However, most of these shows have a significant finale where the husband and wife are left to face death or escape by the end of the season. Saban states that Helaena currently suffers from PTSD and has grieved herself into catatonia, as a result of which she disconnected from the world and used it as a cover for her powers. 
”It detached her further from the rest of people and it made her feel even more odd than what she already knew she was”, she said. “Since this dissociation, she has, I believe, distanced herself from that reality and, at the same time, come closer to developing this ability in her. ” 
It results to her rather decidedly refusing Aemond’s demands for her, and Dreamfyre to burn the competition as they desired, with many persons getting killed in the fire. Her directness and integrity in that scene especially her statement of his destiny which is to die made the otherwise ruthless Aemond cry. However, Saban also warns the fans of this new Helaena not to forget that she is not going to start telling it like it is anytime soon. 
“I can’t say something for the future because, in a way, I can’t insist on the fact that this moment, she has this unexplainable sense of clarity in which she communicates with Aemond, this is going to be the beginning of this new, fresh future in which she looks people in the eye and tells them the truth as it is,” Saban observed. 
Indeed, it was not the passionate declaration of a challenge to Aemond which interested Saban more than anything else that Helaena said. That is done later in the climactic scene where Alicent (Olivia Cooke) confronts Rhaneyra (Emma D’Arcy). 
“The scene that I am very interested in is that stunning performance given by both adults, Alicent and Rhaenyra when the former tells the latter that Aemond is going to fly to battle and by implication, the only ruler left in Kings Landing is Helaena. ” ‘My imagination and just started dreaming what that could look like. 
Aegon might never get to see what Helaena’s time as a temporary queen might be like as he sets off out of town in far from imperial fashion. But like Helaena is spurred to stand up against Aemond and the conflict that is summoning their family, Glynn-Carney explains Aegon should not be lifted out either. 
By his own admission, people tend to underestimate Aegon, he said. “He has been mocked into becoming a joke, and a man who pretends to be something that he is not. But there are times when the world gets tired of degrading a fellow citizen and instead of bowing out of expectation to the donors and NGOs he may decide to do something provocative that catches the steak holders with surprise as to the extent they are willing to go. ” 
It seems that not only have Aegon and Helaena suffered broken engagements but they do not like honey either.