Starmer: Ban on smoking in pub gardens could reduce burden on NHS

Starmer: Ban on smoking in pub gardens could reduce burden on NHS

Labour leader, Sir Keir Starmer has said that smoking could be banned in pub gardens stating that it would help to ease pressure on the National Health Service. 
The Prime Minister said this during an interview with the journalists in Paris on Thursday, saying that ministers are contemplating extending smoking ban. Some referred to the possible action as ‘authoritarian’ and one labeled it as ‘nanny state’ type decision. 
Sir Keir said: “My starting point on this is to remind everybody that over 80,000 people die every year from smoking. That is a preventable death, it’s a burden on the National Health Service and, of course, it is a burden on the citizen. 
“So yes, we are going to take decisions in this space, more details will be revealed – but there is a preventable series of deaths here and we’ve got to act to reduce the burden on the NHS and the taxpayer. ” 
Both smoking in pub gardens and other other areas of the pubs such as outside football grounds, outside eating areas and openair establishments at night clubs may also be prohibited. 
Both suggestions which The Sun newspapers said would be open to public debate have triggered fury among politicians and the hospitality industry. 
Nigel Farage, the Reform UK leader, said the Government was guilty of a “massive overreach”, telling Talk TV: It does not qualify as nanny-statism. It is authoritarianism. 
“It is ‘I know what is best for you and you will damn well do it and what I am going to do is I am going to take your legal activity and make it illegal’. 
“That is really what they are saying here. A smoke-free Britain by 2030. Really? Will it be drugs-free by 2030? Will it be obesity-free? Will it be alcoholism-free? This is a massive overreach by Government. I loathe these people and their very instincts. ” 
Tory leadership contenders also distanced themselves from the proposals with Robert Jenrick branding them “nonsense” and immediately warned that a higher rate for business rates would lead to many pubs closing down. 
The former immigration minister posted on X, formerly Twitter: This is why many pubs are closing – The last thing this country needs is thousands more pubs closing our country faces huge challenges why is Sir Keir Starmer focusing on this nonsense 
Dame Priti Patel, the former home secretary, said: “It would, in fact, be completely wrong and economically suicidal to impose nanny state regulation like this on pubs and restaurants. They are small businesses, manned by small business people, who create employment for many people in the country. 
“Labour itself has no ideas and no economic vision and all they are left with is nanny state measures to appease its socialist support, to infantalise the British population and to take their liberties and decisions away from them. ” 
Dame Priti has called for the policy to be reversed immediately before it harms our retail sector and potentially threaten the safety of our streets while questioning who would be charged with the implementation of the ban. 
Emma McClarkin, the chief executive of the British Beer and Pub Association, called on the Government to reconsider, adding: ‘It is rather disturbing and one wonders why the Government is coming up with policies that are set to further knock out the sustainability of crucial community infrastructure in the country. ’ 
“From our practical observation we can understand that such restriction has the potential to severely affect the pubs business since they are competing with steep energy costs and business costs. 
“For generations pubs have been here to serve people, have ensured that, especially the elderly, they are not alone; this is where people meet, make friends and become a family sometimes In view of this, the contribution of these places to our society and economic prosperity cannot be underestimated. ” 
The head of the UK Hospitality trade group Kate Nicholls said that outside smoking restrictions very much would negatively hit pubs and restaurants and may lead to their shutdowns. 
She told the BBC any ban must be “thought through very carefully before we damage businesses and economic growth and jobs”, adding: The possible loss would be substantial,” he said. Since the smoking ban was implemented in the indoor public places, which was about a decade ago, one has seen the closures of at least 10% of our pubs and night clubs approximately 7000 business establishment shutting down. 
“This would be a significant impact again, not only on Pubs and night clubs but also on those other Eating out places which we have and which has invested into our high streets. ” 
The first two were not in the Labour Party general election manifesto and the third would massively ramp up the Tobacco and Vapes Bill which contained no reference to banning smoking outside. 
The draft legislation was launched by Rishi Sunak government to put in practice what he planned to do by cracking down tobacco purchase ban for those born after the year 2009. The bill was an attempt to make smoking eradicated completely in all sectors of the community. 
Labour ministers brought the Bill back into the parliamentary agenda after Conservatives failed to get it onto the statute before the general election. 
The outdoors ban if it occurs will affect all the four nations of the UK. 
A Department of Health and Social Care spokesman said: On leaked videos, we remain tight-lipped. 60000 people die every year from smoking diseases, a burden on the Health services and the taxpayers also have to fork out a hefty amount. 
“Second hand smoking is extremely dangerous to children and non-smokers and as such we are plotting to make Britain a no-smoke zone for once and for all. ”