North Korean officials seek medicine for Kim’s health problems related to obesity, Seoul says

North Korean officials seek medicine for Kim’s health problems related to obesity, Seoul says

Kim Jong Un has notably put on weight and reportedly has high blood pressure and diabetes, and his entourage is or has been looking for new drugs on the foreign market, according to South Korea’s spy agency today. 
Currently, the forty-year-old Kim has some chronic habits concerning alcohol and smoking, whereas the family of the player has experienced probable heart issues. Kim Jong Il, who succeeded in the power of North Korea in 2011, both his father and grandfather died in heart related problems. 
Particular critics argued that Kim, who stands at around 170 centimeters (5 feet, 7 inches) tall and used to be 140 kilograms (308 pounds) heavy, seemingly shed a great deal of weight in 2021, probably because he altered his diet. However, recent clips relayed by the state media depict that he has gotten fatter again. 
The National Intelligence Service of South Korea, the main intelligence agency for the nation informed some lawmakers in a behind door session that Kim is expected to be weighing at least 140 kilograms (308 pounds) once again and he is in the endangered category for possible heart diseases, stated Lee Seong Kweun, one of the lawmakers. 
Lee said the NIS briefed legislators that Kim suffered signs of hypertension and diabetes from his early 30s onwards. Another south Korean lawmaker Park Sunwon said so in particular the NIS claim that Kim’s obesity is due to his drinking, smoking stress. 
Lee and Park cited information from NIS which said it got information that Kim’s officials had sought new medication overseas for Kim’s undisclosed hypertension and diabetes. 
Due to the secretive nature of the nation, and the fact that the Kim administration has restricted any information about the supreme leader, there is no veritable way to ascribe Kim’s actual health conditions. The NIS has also been not very efficient in supporting developments in North Korea. 
Kim’s health is what people outside North Korea are closely watching since he has not officially designated an heir who would assume control of the growing nuclear program aimed at the United States and its allies if Kim was unfit to rule. 
As presented in its Monday briefing, the NIS has stuck to its evaluation regarding the indicated steps being taken by Kim Jong Un’s preteen daughter branded as Kim Ju Ae to enhance her likely position as the successor in the Kim dynasty. However, the NIS stated that it cannot exclude the fact that this girl was replaced by one of her sisters as she has not yet been officially approved as her father’s heir. 
Speculation on Kim Ju Ae, who is approximately about 10 or 11 years old emerged when she started to accompany her father, at formal public functions from around the later part of the year 2022. Korean state television dubbed her Kim Jong Un’s ‘favourite or ‘most beloved’ daughter and played up her elevation in the North Korean hierarchy and intimacy with her father. 
The NIS noted that he at least 60% of Chang Sun Ok primary appearances in public with Kim Jong Un were for military occasions.