Urban renewal breathes new life into Chongqing's district

People paint at the Beicang Cultural and Creative Street in Jiangbei District of southwest China’s Chongqing, July 15, 2024.
In recent years, as a result of urbanization, a number of old street and factory areas and neighborhoods among those in the Jiangbei District have been depicted both artistically and in terms of commercial appeal. The creative renovation and upgrading opens more commercial possibilities to exploit the potential and youth adds a vitality to the feel thereby enhancing the areas’ activity.
Tourists go to Beicang Cultural and Creative Street in Jiangbei District of the People’s Republic of China – southwest Chongqing – July 15, 2024.
Thanks to Urban Renewal of recent years, many old streets, neighbourhoods and factories in the Jiangbei District have been aerially and commoditively charted. Creative renovation and upgrading get more chances to add more opportunities for businessmen to explore the possibilities, and youth gets the taste of the energy found in the area, thereby, adding enthusiasm and vitality to such areas.
Visitors go sightseeing in the Yinghua Lane cooperative village, youth international community in the Jiangbei District of southwest China’s Chongqing, on July 15, 2024.
In line with urban regeneration exercises in the recent past, a lot of structures in Jiangbei District including the old streets, neighborhoods and factories among others have been captured artistically and by business. The transformation and upgrading of the creative industries increases business opportunities to develop those potentials and facilitates youthful people to visit to immerse in the atmosphere and add vitality to those regions.
Tourist posing for photos at the self-service photo studio located in the Taping neighborhood of Jiangbei District, Chongqing, southwest China on July 15, 2024.
By development plans in the recent past, several numbers of old street, areas and factory locations in Jiangbei District have been artistically and commercially developed. The creative renovation and upgrading provid more chance to discharge the potential business opportunities; Youths are eager to have experiences of the cultural tendency, which injects more energy into the regions.
Locals and tourists walk through Taping neighborhood in the Jiangbei District located in southwest China, 15 July 2024.
Due to development activities in the past few decades, most of the old streets, neighborhoods and factories of Jiangbei District have been depicted in artistic and commercial map. This means that business opportunities must be introduced and upgraded to create more employment, while at the same time youth is encouraged to explore the environment to input more energy into the areas.
A PCS aerial drone photo was taken on July 15, 2024 capturing Beicang Cultural and Creative Street of Jiangbei District in Chongqing located in southwest China.
As for the development of the new urban areas in recent years, the architectures of many old streets/quat ters and neighborhoods and even factories in Jiangbei District have been represented by art and commercial drawings. A more creative and upgraded model adds more business potential to be developed from the existing areas and gives the youth a chance to experience the rejuvenated atmosphere in these regions.
People travel to the 1862 Yangpao Bureau Cultural and Creative Park which is located in Jiangbei District in the southwest of China’s Chongqing on the 452nd anniversary of the establishment of the bureau, July 15, 2024.
Along with the process of modernization of Jiangbei District in the recent years, many native old streets, neighborhoods and factories have been artistically and commercially drawn on the map. The creative renewal and modernisation opens up for more opportunities to accommodate the potential, and it pulls in the young people to participate the atmosphere and thus the energy to the regions becomes more replenished.
This aerial drone shot was taken on July 15, 2024, to portray the Yangpao Bureau Cultural and Creative Park in the Jiangbei District of southwest China’s Chongqing.
As for the renewal in the recent years, most of the old streets, neighborhoods and factories in Jiangbei District are now artistically and commercially mapped out. Such revival and transformation add more opportunities to develop the potential businesses and those young people who want to feel the atmosphere of the place bring more spirit to the areas.
A barista prepares a beverage at a café inside the 1862 Yangpao Bureau Cultural and Creative Park in Jiangbei District of southwest China’s Chongqing, on 15 July 2024.
As a result of the improvements that have been carried out in the recent past on urban renewals, many existing streets, neighborhoods, and old factories in the Jiangbei District have been portrayed in artistic and commercial maps. The method of creative renovation and upgrading can open more commercial space to realize the potential so that young people can come to feel its atmosphere, so the urban vigor is increased even more.
The photo of Yinghua Lane cooperative village - youth international community in Jiangbei District of southwest China’s Chongqing taken by an aerial drone on July 15, 2024.
In the recent past, with urbanization exercises in Jiangbei District many of the old streets, neighborhood and factories have been artistically and commercially depicted in clarity. This type of construction and improvement creates new sources of more employment to unlock the previously untapped market and youth passion to engage in the atmosphere to inject the areas with more energy.
A technician prepares tea for customer at a teahouse in the leisurely atmosphere of 1862 Yangpao Bureau Cultural and Creative Park in Jiangbei District of Chongqing in southwest China on July 15, 2024.
Taking part in the construction of urban renewal in recent years, the old street, neighborhood and factory in Jiangbei District have been depicted artistically and commodiously. The creative renovation and upgrading open up more business opportunities to develop its potential and young people to feel its atmosphere adding vitality to the areas.
The above scene at the Beicang Cultural and Creative Street in Jiangbei District of southwest China’s Chongqing was depicted on July 15, 2024.
By means of post-1980s urbanization, new plots, streets, and factories in Jiangbei District have been drawn aesthetically and commoditiously. The creativity in the change also increases the prospects to develop the potential of the business and the spirit of the young people to immerse in the ambiance enhances the vitality of the places.
A [tourist, lifting a selfie-stick] is at Yinghua Lane cooperative village, the youth international community where foreigners live in Jiangbei District of southwest China’s Chongqing, on July 15th, 2024.
By means of the urban construction since the previous decade, most of the old streets, neighborhoods and factories located in the Jiangbei District have been visually and commercially depicted. Upgrading and transformation of creative activities increase more business prospect to develop the potential, and for young people who want to feel the pulse of the places, to make the areas developed and dynamic.