Thousands seek compensation after Covid vaccines ‘left them disabled’

About 13,865 people in Britain have claimed compensation from the government for vaccine injuries, according to the latest statistics.
In FoI data obtained by The Telegraph, payments have already been made to individuals for conditions such as stroke, heart attack, blood clot, inflammation of the spine, painful swelling of the vaccinated limb and ‘dropping the limps’.
Fully 97 per cent of the compensation awarded is associated with complications from the AstraZeneca vaccine; money has been paid out for loss from Pfizer or Moderna only a few times.
Since the VDPS was established in 1979, it has had about 16,000 claims for compensation, but covid jab has dominated all of them.
Several people, including the multiplicative flat race jockey from Britain, Seb Sanders, have sought legal battle as the wife, Leona, was rendered a hospital prisoner after the three shots of Covid vaccines; but the application was declined.
The 52-year-old mother-of-three from Lancashire had suffered from the disruptive blood vessels’ inflation caused by granulomatosis – an autoimmune disease that happens rarely.
She received the first dose of AstraZeneca vaccine in February this year and the second dose in April.
“It was only a day or two after that she collapsed in the bathroom, her left leg had given way, but we weren’t blaming the injection because nobody had warned us so we never put two and two together,” said Mr Sanders who is now a pundit with Sky Sports Racing.
A progressive decline soon after the third dose
It may be those made by AstraZeneca But Mrs Sanders’ health quickly declined after being vaccinated for the third time in December with Pfizer.
She went to be admitted at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge only to discover that the scan showed that she had contracted transverse myelitis, a swelling on the spinal cord which is understood to be a side effect of the vaccine.
This left her bedridden for seven months, and although she was given a temporary reprieve in the summer of 2022 her condition has worsened further when, while in hospital for dengue fever, she contracted Covid, followed by sepsis.
“The collapses all occurred a few days after she had received the vaccine, as pointed out by Mr Sanders. ” “But the medical assessor rejected the claim”,
“The medical records found that she had problems related to her back – pain and steady falls – but Leona never had back problems, or falls, before the jab. She was a very physical person, and was always seen around the horses. She never sat down.
“It has frustrated me too, being made to feel that the first thing out of my mouth is lies. ”
Mr Sanders, a father of one, from Bury St Edmunds, West Suffolk, added: ‘Prior to this I agree withmost of the arguments made here, and would have said that vaccines were dangerous as well. ’ But I go to the supermarket now, and all the people are moving as if nothing has happened, and that is when I realise it most. It is just not ethical or moral to do so.
“Leona is coming home, but the likely hood of gaining recovery is low, but I will do so step by step, nevertheless, everything needs to be investigated properly, all these collapses came a few days after the vaccine was administered. ”
Nevertheless and in the presence of these warnings and more clotting incidents, the UK government persisted in advocating for the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine although vaccination with this vaccine had been stopped in Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Latvia by March 2021.
The medical assessors have rejected thousands of people and told them that there is no evidence that the vaccine was responsible for the harm done to their bodies, at least 400 more people have been denied payment because they are not ‘disabled enough’.
Those who are successful get £120000 lump-sum but the government has so far only made such payments in 175 cases, less than two percent of those who have applied.
Over 5,500 applications were refused, and 519 were withdrawn before an examination. Out of 988 people who requested reconsideration of their cases, only 12 have been informed that their verdict has been reversed and they will be getting a payment.
More than 350 claims were turned down because while the assessors agreed that the vaccine had been responsible for harm, they contended it had not resulted in “severe disablement”. For instance, under the current rules an applicant has to be 60 per cent disabled in order to qualify.
Responding to its critics the government has stated that the VDPS payment is not compensation hence this money can be of help in the prosecution of damages by the claimants.
However, many believe that the VDPS payment in adequate for pursuing big pharmaceutical firms or reimbursing for the loss of loved ones.
Numerous tens of millions worldwide have had the vaccine without adverse effects and simulations have postulated that vaccines may have prevented 1. Five million lives in Europe, and could have been four million, without these jabs.
AstraZeneca finally acknowledged in an ambivalent manner that the vaccine may occasionally lead to VITT and by May it started the global process of pulling out the jab by saying it is no longer the most effective as fresh vaccines have been developed to tackle the corona virus variants.
But AstraZeneca was given legal immunity at the start of the pandemic; therefore, even in a civil trial, the UK taxpayer would be on the hook for damages.
Many of them have filed their claims and the number has risen to the extent that last year there was an increase in the administrative staff dealing with the claims from four to eighty. There are more than 700 patients who have been waiting for a year and even longer to receive a decision.
A spokesman for the NHS Business Services Authority, which runs the VDPS, said: The VDPS together with the related policy and legislation is handled by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and concerns the criteria for severe disablement.
“Since assuming the responsibility of the management of the scheme in 2021, the NHSBSA’s VDPS has a specific team which strives to do everything possible to ensure assistance to the claimants as well as to seek ways of enhancing the claim process for those who are concerned. ”
A spokesman for AstraZeneca said: ‘Any person who has lost dear ones or reported diseases, our condolences. ’
Confidentiality, quality, and patients’ safety are primary considerations of our organization. from the clinical trials and real-world experience the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine has been proven to have reasonable safety profile and the regulatory authorities across the world are now stressing on the fact that the benefits of vaccination far outweigh the risks of serious side effects which are very rare in nature.
“It is important that we take a moment to take stock of our success in ending the pandemic We are tremendously proud of the company’s contribution to bringing the pandemic to an end Oxford-AstraZeneca’s vaccine has received widespread recognition as being one of the key contributors to beating the virus across the globe In the first year of using it, it is reported that the company contributed to saving of over six million lives worldwide More than three billion doses have been
A Pfizer spokesman said: ‘We respect patient safety and that is why any information concerning the adverse events is also considered very serious. ’ AE monitors in fact do not necessarily indicate causal associations with the vaccination and with reference to vaccine administration, some such AE reports might not have any connection to the vaccine. Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 has been taken by many hundreds of millions of people around the world and the risk-benefit balance of the vaccine remains positive for all its approved indications and age groups.
Like all drugs and vaccines, Pfizer and BioNTech have strict processes to fulfil their regulatory commitments to be attentive in monitoring reporting, and analysing all adverse events, collecting the necessary information to assess any new potential safety issues that might be associated with the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine.
“Besides the efforts related to PV and our adherence to all the rules and regulations concerning quality and safety of our vaccine, Novartis is in cooperation with several independent regulatory authorities world wide as far as they monitor safety profile of the vaccine. ”
A government spokesman said: “The condition that candidates should have at least 60 per cent disablement is based on the Department for Work and Pensions Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit definition of ‘severe disablement’.
“There is the provision for a claimant to appeal a decision based on the disability threshold In the case that an individual’s application is turned down on the basis of disability threshold,”