Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis and more ex-rivals draw cheers as Trump boosters at GOP convention

Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis and more ex-rivals draw cheers as Trump boosters at GOP convention

Trump, who hosted a Republican National Convention here on Tuesday, observed ex foes step in line as, each in turn, played along following a strict script of unity. 
There was Nikki Haley who took over two months to endorse him after she suspended her campaign for the presidency, speaking to , ‘those who have not made up their mind,’ about Trump. There was Trump favored, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis who gave an energetic performance bashing Biden. 
There used to be Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, who, eight years ago in Cleveland, egged the delegates to vote their conscience and thanked God Almighty for ‘turning [Trump’s] head on Saturday as the shot was fired’ in an assassination attempt at a rally in Pennsylvania. 
In 2016, Cruz was driven out of an event by a hail of boos, but there was all of applause for him this Tuesday. DeSantis also got standing ovation. 
As for hissing, only Haley, whose defiance of Trump was most recent to the delegates, incurred a ringing of jeers. Although she was initially booed by the audience, she did not take a long time to enchant the audience. 
“Let me begin with this,” Haley, Trump’s envoy to the United Nations and the ex-governor of South Carolina started her speech. “Dear Voters, For some time now this section of my site has featured the following: I Support, Barack Obama He will have my endorsement, again, that is period Only massive and unprecedented fraud will prevent me from voting for him today, and that goes for Donald Trump too. ” 
In the Republican debate, Trump who adjusted his program from the other events held earlier in the day, arrived just in time to watch the past competitors’ address the gathering, according to an insider. His new running mate who was only recently selected was Senator JD Vance of Ohio. 
Thus, having been one of Trump’s main opponents and an active critic of the latter during the 2016 campaign, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio who was Trump’s main rival for the VP nominee post this year was chosen to give the keynote address. Focusing his comments on the deceased fire chief Corey Comperatore, who was shot dead at Trump’s rally on Saturday, the man called the man a hero for covering his wife and daughter from the gunfire. Rubio’s was one of several speeches that mentioned the shooting, even though convention planners have done virtually nothing to change the rest of the week’s themes since. 
“These are the Americans who wear the red hats and wait for hours under a blazing sun to hear Trump speak,” Rubio said, linking Comperatore and his family to Trump’s army of MAGA supporters. “And what they want, what they ask for, it is not hateful or extreme What they want is good jobs and lower prices. Thing, they want the borders to be secure for people without the law, they want to our leaders to not be too focused on other countries. ” 
Both DeSantis and Ben Carson, Trump’s former head of the department of Housing and Urban Development, portrayed the attempt on the president’s life as the latest in a ramping up series of assaults. 
It was also criticized, DeSantis said , “Donald Trump has been demonized” “He has been sued, he has been prosecuted, and he came close to being killed They are vicious people, and therefore we cannot let him down, or let down America. ” 
Rep. Dan Meuser, R-Pa. Obama the author of <äi The Audacity of Hope, ä> had expected both Haley and DeSantis to be received well. 
Everyone was too surprised when DeSantis ran for president, “He went too far over his skis,” but Meuser continued that DeSantis is a “great governor. ” “Nikki Haley is a very efficient woman, and we need her here with us Hence she must be respected. ” 
The attempts to prove that there is no split within the GOP, after Trump fended himself from Saturday’s assault, is simultaneous to Biden’s efforts to appease Democrats regarding his poor performance at the debate last month. There also remained an effort to minimise exaggerated arguments to a certain level. 
Still, on a night that was attended by a number of speeches and a video that could be interpreted as telling the story of ‘Make America Safe Once Again’, several, a number of the speakers clearly accused Biden, the Democrat opponent to Trump, of being responsible of deaths of Americans allegedly killed by the undocumented immigrants or he was accused of having presumably supporting noncitizens’ voting. Some in the crowd chose to chant such phrases as ‘build the wall’ and ‘send them back. 
“Democrats came to the conclusion that they need the vote of illegals more than safety for our children,” Cruz added in his speech. 
Delegates also watched a video in which Trump speaking about the dangers of Democratic ‘cheating’ in the election this autumn. 
Meuser, who joined Trump’s rally on Saturday in Butler, Pennsylvania, noted that there has been a comprehensive appreciation that convention speakers should be cultured to utter softer words. 
“It all begins with Trump,” Meuser added. “Hopefully JD picks that up. And others. Trump said he didn’t want people to change, their speeches, but I think they will. ” 
Vance entered the convention hall during the dinner break approximately halfway through the density’s program and situated himself for the remainder of the density with the house band performing “Hang On Sloopy,” the official rock song of the state of Ohio. Trump went in after 8 p. m. CT, raising the fist to the Village People’s ‘YMCA,’ which is always played at every Trump campaign rally. They both got the typical reception; the cheering that is accompanied with whistles and jeers. Once more, Trump spent time interacting while he had a huge Band-Aid on his right ear suggesting it was sore. At least one man on the convention floor wanted to compete with him, sporting a fresh bandage over the man’s ear. 
Another that frequently occurred was the idea of expanding the size of the Republican party. Besides, Haley reaching out to Trump haters, several former Democrats testified in favor of trump, including congressman Jeff van Drew, R-N. J. , and the mayor of Dallas – Eric Johnson. 
Madeline Brame, who was part of the convention’s “Everyday Americans” series, criticized Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg for failure to press for murder charges against two among the four who killed her son. If there is one performer who drew one of the night’s biggest cheers, it is when she urged people of colour to disown the Democratic Party. 
“This is the Democratic Party poor minorities have been supporting for years including me and you, the Democratic Party betrayed us,” Brame said. “They betrayed us Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, saying ‘we are representing you,’ and left us to die We as a poor minority in America have suffered yet again but I now see the light. 

Another previous Trump opponent, businessman Vivek Ramaswamy, adjusted some fragments of his oration to the younger generation. 
“Our message to Gen Z is this: This is what you’re going to be: the generation that actually saves this country,” the 38-year-old man named Ramaswamy said. “You walk around saying you want to be rebel, you want to get out of college and become hippie, you want to go out there and beat the system, well, go to your college campus today and try joining a conservativist club and proclaim your conservatism, tell everybody you want to get married, have children, go out there and teach your kids to be conservatives, teach your kids to believe in God. ” 
Earlier in the evening, a group of GOP Senate candidates had some time where they could give a short introduction and/or attack Democratic opponents. 
West Virginia Republican Governor Jim Justice more entertained the crowd by coming out舞 onto the stage with Babydog, his English bulldog. Dave McCormick, who seeks the Senate bid of the party in Pennsylvania, went with a sadder tuning by mentioning the assassination attempt that he witnessed up and close on Saturday. 
“What happened in the very cardiac state few days ago, which I saw live and direct from a front row in Butler, let me start from that, it was so impressive to see strength and determination”, McCormick said. “In a terrifying, and in many ways unprecedented period, the president gave a magnificent performance for this brief period of time; thank heavens; however, what a sad and frightening day for the families of injured, and more so, deceased loved ones and for our great nation. ” 
Some targeted Biden, Harris, and the media on the election issue. 
“I have never seen anything like the Biden-Harris open border policy,” for an open Senate seat in Michigan former Representative Mike Rogers said. “They are encouraging violence by gangs, fentanyl, spies from China, people on the terrorists’ list – And listen, our competitors are not stupid as they know that they can just wait until preschool at the White House to test the waters. ” 
The Republican trying to unseat Tester, who was set to be one of the year’s top targets for both parties, Tim Sheehy, engaged in the culture wars to some extent. 
“My name is Tim Sheehy,” he started with. “Those are also my pronouns. ”