Kamala Harris campaign maps out 'path to victory,' raises $126 million in three days

Kamala Harris campaign maps out 'path to victory,' raises $126 million in three days

Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign on Wednesday shared in a memo her ‘Road Map To Defeating Trump/Benchmarks & Path To Victory,’ as the fundraising force summarizes $126M in the age of Biden’s 2024 decision to sit this round out. 
Jen O'Malley Dillon, chair of the Harris campaign, said in the memo that Harris is in "a strong position to win," pointing to three main factors: Harris’ ‘proven popularity’ among the Black, Hispanic, and young voters all of which are the key Democratic voter demographs; an opportunity to increase Democrats’ increasing lead in the college-educated voters; Harris’ appeal to the undecided voter category. 
Joe Biden quit the race, Kamala Harris didn’t take long amassing enough Democratic National Committee delegates to be hailed as the likely Democratic nominee and cemented the party’s elite around her candidacy. However, the next days are decisive for her as she needs to establish her vision of the candidacy under attacks from republicans and demonstrate to democrats that she has a strategy to defeat Trump, the republican candidate. 
Harris fires up the Democrats, for example, O’Malley Dillon noting the president has a net job approval of 54 points the than Trump among the Black voters, 25 points in front of Trump among the young voters, 21 points ahead of Trump among the women voters, and 30 points in front of Trump with the Asian, American, and Pacific Islander voters. 
She said that Harris outperforms Trump for the undecided, independent and third party Latino voters and those doubtful of Biden and Trump. 
But besides the base, O’Malley Dillon said Harris is ready and would be able to build on Democrats favorable results in the 2020 and 2022 suburban voters elections that rejected Trump. The group consists of Democrats, self-employed people and several Republicans. 
For the white college educated voters, O’Malley Dillon noted that Harris enjoys a 19-point favourable spread over Trump. She stated that among the voters aged 65 and above, Harris enjoys a net favorability over Trump, by 18 points. 
“The Vice President has been leading on the exact agenda that those voters care about most right now – reclaiming women’s reproductive health, enforcing the rule of law after January 6, holding Donald Trump, a twice-impeached criminal, accountable, and the Supreme Court saying it cannot be held accountable,” O’Malley Dillon said. 
Harris campaign communications director says race is ‘more fluid now’ 
O’Malley Dillon described the battle as Harris leading for the future, for an America that deepened its democracy; expand reproductive rights; and make sure that all Americans gets their shot at the American dream against Trump, a criminal aspiring to enact his malicious; agenda that would unbridle the Americans’ rights and freedom hurting the middle class and endangering the democracy. 
The majority of the polls indicate Trump with a very slim lead over Harris, but most of the poll were generic match-ups conducted before Biden suspending his campaign. Reuters/Ipsos poll, which was conducted just after Biden’s withdrawal between July 22 and July 23, revealed that Harris was ahead of Trump 44/42 when registered voters were taken into consideration. 
O’Malley Dillon said the race is ‘‘more fluid now’’ with Harris replacing Biden at the ticket. 
”The Vice President is recognizable but to a lesser extent than both Trump and President Biden especially among the Dem leaning bloc,” she said. 
She stated that weakly committed voters, who account for about 7 percent of the electorate at the time of election, tend to be younger than 30 and demographically diverse, particularly, black and Latino; accordingly, these Powell’s identified voters are likely to move from Trump to Harris. 
As it is impossible to mobilize these voters, the campaign team has a fantastic chance of getting these voters behind it when it communicates with them O’Malley Dillon . 
As for the path to 270 electoral votes needed to win the election, the Harris campaign − like the Biden campaign it replaced − is zeroing in on seven battlegrounds states: The so called ‘blue wall’ of the north, comprising the rust belt states of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin and the Sun Belt of North Carolina, Georgia, Arizona and Nevada. All except North Carolina were won by Biden in the previous year’s election; however, the earlier polling has given Trump a lead in all seven states. 
O’Malley Dillon said Harris ‘strengths with young voters, Black voters and Latino voters will be crucial for our several routes to 270 electoral votes. ” 
A total of 64 percent of the contributions have been made to Harris by first time givers. 
Harris has raised $126m since Sunday — $81m of that since Biden dropped out in the 24 hours representing the largest one-day total for any candidate, the campaign says. 
The sources of the contributions have been identified to include 1. 4 million donors and 64% of those were first time donors for the 2024 election. 
The campaign also said the number of volunteers has increased to 4,74,000 since Harris joined the ticket and Harris has taken over Biden’s strong field organisation which has 250 ‘coordinate’ offices across key states. 
Someone said, ‘This campaign will be close, it will be hard fought, but Vice President Harris is in a position of strength – and she’s going to win,’ O’Malley Dillon noted.