Joe Biden explains why he dropped out of White House race

Joe Biden explains why he dropped out of White House race

US President Joe Biden announced his withdrawal from the race for the re-election saying that he felt that the internal struggle over his candidacy would be a “real distraction” for Democrats and that his primary goal was to beat Donald Trump in November. 
Speaking in his first interview since he pulled out of the presidential race, Mr Biden, 81, said he was in good health and had “no serious problem”. He attributed his poor show in the defense to sickness at the time, and dismissed questions about age and decline in mental faculties. 
The US president vowed to support Kamala Harris’ bid for the presidency stating he would going to do anything his vice-president “believes I can do to help most”. 
Speaking to CBS News of the US, Ljusk said: “We must, we must, we must defeat Trump”. 
Mr Biden however noted that if he had proceeded with his campaign the battle for the presidency would have been very tight. 
“I have been told personally by a number of my Democratic colleagues in the House and Senate that they anticipated I was going to hurt them in the races,” he said. 
‘And that is what I was thinking when I realized if I remain in the race, that would be the topic. ’ You would be interviewing me about, why did Nancy Pelosi say, why did so — and I though it would be a real distraction. ” 
Nancy Pelosi, former House speaker, was reportedly the leader of the pack that moved to remove Mr Biden – something Pelosi has not flatly dismissed – after the Democrat’s rather clumsy performance during the first debate with Trump on 27 June. 
Mr Biden confused himself on various occasions during the pre-recorded interview aired on Sunday but was relatively more articulate than when on the live televised debate. As for the poor debating, he attributed that to sickness – before he has also said fatigue resulting from jet lag and lack of sleep as his alibis. 

Hoping that they would let up, he withdrew from the race on July 21 st. 
There was never any hint of a fight for the right to challenge him at the head of the Democratic ticket and party support quickly rallied around the vice-president, Kamala Harris who has to date proved more popular than Mr Biden among the public. 
When the president ran for the White House in 2020 he said he wanted to be a bridge to the next generation. 
‘When I ran the first time, part of that narrative was that I was to be a transition president. ’ I can’t speak age at all. If you mean to the word, it becomes difficult for me to say it or even spit it out. ” 
Trump’s running mate and senator from Ohio JD Vance has justified mass deportation of unauthorized immigrants if the two win the coming election. 
Speaking to the American broadcaster ABC News, Mr Vance said that another Trump term in the White House would mean starting with one million migrants in the US unlawful. According to the government statistics, the number of immigrants without authorization is about 11 million, and it has not changed much since 2005. 
Ohio senator explained that additional statements encouraging parents to get more votes are thought experiment provoked by the suggestions of the Democratic Party regarding the voting age decreasing. 
He explained that what he said in 2021 was not a policy statement, and he opposed votes for those with kids. ‘I want us to be more pro-family,’ he said. 
On the Democratic side of the is-lation, Vice-President Kamala Harris said to a crowd in Las Vegas that she joined Trump supporting the no-taxation of tips. The swing state of Nevada contains a considerable populace of inhabitants concentrating on the hospitality and tourism sectors. 
And after flagrant falsehoods earlier in the week about the size of his crowds, Donald Trump himself screeched on his Truth Social platform on Sunday to attack the Harris campaign for having concocted a ‘fake photo’ of a rally crowd. But pictures and footage from the event in question, which took place in Detroit, indicate that many people came to watch the Democratic contenders. 
In the CBS interview, Mr Biden focused on the period when he made up his to run against Trump – after the violent rally of neo-Nazis and other right-wing activists in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017. He called Trump as a president who is patronizing racists as well as the far-right. 
“Every other time the Ku Klux Klan has been involved they wore hoods so they are not recognized,” he said. “During his presidency they emerged from those woods with no hoods knowing that they had someone on their side. ” 
He also again elaborated on more of his fears of what could happen after November’s election, claiming that he was “not at all sure” that there will not be violence regarding the transfer of power if Biden’s vice president, Ms Harris, beats Trump. 
He continued that he fears that there will be confrontation if Trump loses the presidential election. 
Instead, Mr Biden added: “He means what he says. ” It is said here in jest; he sincerely holds this belief’: ‘All that things about: ‘If we lose – it will be a bloodbath’. 
”He’s a real threat to American security,” Mr Biden said in an interview posted online. 
Trump said at a rally in March that if he loses, it will be a bloodbath for the country but his campaign staff have since explained that it was a reference to the economy and the auto industry in particular that Democrats distorted. 
Equally, the former president has claimed, baselessly, that he actually won the 2020 election and has suggested that there would be efforts to ‘fix’ the election this year. He has vowed to give a free pass to some, or all, of those who were found guilty of storming the US Capitol in January 2021. 
Mr Biden said he would be campaigning for Ms Harris and that he had discussed with Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro of moving round the state. Mr Biden was born in the semi-industrialised city of Scranton, approximately 190 kilometres North West of New York. 
‘I’ll be campaigning in other states also. And I’ll have to do all that Kamala believes I can do best,’ he had said.