Jess Phillips accuses Farage of grifting in row over Southport stabbings response

Jess Phillips accuses Farage of grifting in row over Southport stabbings response

An angry Jess Phillips has lambasted Nigel Farage of grifting after a row concerning the Southport killings. 
Reform UK leader, Mr Farage, posted a video on social media that stated critical aspects of the sanitation attack on children had not been answered. 
He considered whether there is some information of homicide that is concealed, they got concerned through rumours on social media involving the murder of three girls aged six, seven and nine. 
Their story went on to describe the suspect as asylum-seeker who entered the UK in a small-boat while other frills that he is on MI6 watch list were also ramped. 
During the debate with Yvette Cooper, the obligee of this document, a minister at the Home Office Ms Phillips immediately accused Mr Farage of bad faith when he failed to respond to her statement in the Commons on Tuesday. 
In a post on X, formerly Twitter, she wrote:In a post on X, formerly Twitter, she wrote: 
This was coupled with Brendan Cox, the husband to murdered MP Jo Cox intoning that Mr Farage appeared like “Tommy Robinson in a suit”. 
He told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “It is straight from the Trump handbook, and in my view, makes Nigel Farage no better than Tommy Robinson in a suit Some of you may consider this comment harsh, but am sure you did not see last night’s rampage in Southport. ” 
In a separate post on social media, Mr Cox said: “Suppose that in reaction to the murder of three kids, you went out and sold conspiracy theories that would stir a revolt; this is precisely why Farage has to be termed a far-Right man. ” 
Mr Farage had said in his video: “Sometimes I start doubting whether the whole truth is being concealed from us, but I honestly do not know the answer to that But yes, none the less is it a valid question to be asked? All I can however affirm is that something is going gruesomely wrong in our once picturesque country. ” 
Consequently, Robinson, a far Right activist whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon reposted the story about Tuesday’s incidents in which residents are described as understandably upset and angry. 
He made ‘a total appeal for calm’ after around 400 ‘enforcers’, whom Merseyside Police said it thought were EDL supporters, scuffled with police. Robinson used to be the leader of the EDL which he formed in the year 2009. 
Violence was recorded with 53 police officers who got injured. Eight received severe injuries such as fractures, different cuts, a possible broken nose, and a concussion and had to be taken to the hospital. 
Four men were arrested and detained: three of them on the suspicion of involvement in a violent disorder; another one, affray, and possession of a bladed item. 
Responding to Mr Cox’s claim that he “whipped up” rioters, Mr Farage told the PA news agency: “What an outrage Some idiot was not satisfied with the utterly deplorable effort I gave when I said that honestly and sincerely, like everyone I know: what on earth has happened?” 
Mr Farage said Mr Cox’s Tommy Robinson comparison was “beneath contempt”, adding: “Who are the perpetrators? Why? Very legitimate questions that I was asking and to try and link that to EDL or anybody else it’s frankly a desperate move. ”