Flu shots are here. When's the ideal time to get one, and should you get it with the Covid vaccine?

Flu shots are here. When's the ideal time to get one, and should you get it with the Covid vaccine?

It is that time of the year again, the flu shots season. 

Pharmacies started administering the vaccines — which are prescribed for people six months and above — last month. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests that people should acquire the flu vaccine by this month or the next one because flu season starts in the fall with a peak period from December, January and February. 
The vaccine takes approximately fourteen (14) days to be effective in the body system of the human being. 
“You really want to think about getting your appointment or making your plan to get vaccinated sometime around the last half of September through the end of October,” said Dr. Judith O’Donnell, chief of infectious diseases at Penn Presbyterian Medical Center in Philadelphia. 
This year’s flu shots are trivalent, meaning they protect against three flu viruses: There are two subtypes of the influenza A virus and one type of the influenza B virus Two strains of influenza A and one type of influenza B For more than a decade, flu shots in the U. S also guard against a fourth strain of influenza B however, it has not been reported since March 2020 so the Food and Drug Administration’s vaccine advisory committee decided this year to leave it out. 
What to know about flu shots 

Most people require one dose of the vaccine; however vulnerable children below 8 who have not benefited from flu vaccination before should take two doses which should be at least 4 weeks apart. According to CDC, unvaccinated children should receive the first dose immediately. 
It is because adults aged 65 years and above have the highest risk of severe illness from flu, they should request for some of the shots that trigger a robust immune reaction than the usual flu vaccine. The CDC recommends three options for this age group: Or Fluzone High-Dose, Flublok or Fluad. The first two are classified as vk, that is high dose vaccines, and this implies that they have a higher dose of antigen. On the other hand, Fluad has an adjuvant — an ingredient that helps the immune system respond more vigorously. 
“What you need to do is to spend so much time searching and try to identify where it is possible because it is something that will not be accessible in any area,” This statement was made by Amanda Joy, a physician assistant in the MedStar Health a health care provider in Washington D. C. She then recommended that if this is the case, then it is okay to call in advance the doctor’s appointment or the local pharmacy. 
About 25, 000 people died due to the flu in the U. S. and 400, 000 were admitted to hospitals last year. 
On the average, the flu vaccines effectiveness in preventing a doctor’s visit appears to fluctuate from one year to another. Researchers decide which strains they want to go after based on what is out in the rest of the globe, but it doesn’t mean that those strains will be the ones to be on top in the U. S. 
“Right on average, depending on the year, we are about 80% in an optimal year and 30% in a bad year”, Dr. Michelle Barron, Senior Medical Director of Infectious Disease at UCHealth. 
Australia has a flu season that can be regarded as a preview to the American one since the flu is more widespread in the US from June to September. And this year it was not when the number of hospitalizations or deaths soared. 
“By all accounts, it appears that it was a relatively normal flu season, flu did not really start early which was our worry last year,” Barron explained. 
Despite the fact that most of the flu vaccines in the market are made of egg proteins some people with ovary reaction may be reluctant to take the shots, however, they should not be worried a lot. Joy said those with such concerns can turn to Flucelvax, a vaccine created using mammalian cells instead. 
That means Covid and flu shots can be given at the same time. 

This flu and Covid are expected to deal a double blow during the autumn-winter season, as has been observed in the previous years. The first peaks are still not over, to aid with this a second wave of COVID is expected in the winter, maybe at the same time as flu season. 
The newly developed anti Covid vaccines focus on the KP. 2 variant, which has taken over the world towards the end of April and particularly in the United States. A genetically similar strain, KP. 3. 1. 1, has since been replaced here by the latest one, but the latest vaccine should still protect against the Omicron variant of Covid better than previous vaccines. 
Immunization with the shots is advised for people from the age of six months and above. For instance, the CDC says that kids up to four years of age should be given at least the first dose of the new formula and could be administered two or three doses if they have not been vaccinated at all. 
Hear everyone else should get one dose. Those ever infected with Covid should wait until 3 months after their infections as they will be categorised as having some immunity. 
It is safe to take Covid and flu shots either simultaneously or at different arms of the body, whichever preferred. At present, it is still uncertain if getting both in one visit has extra benefits but the CDC states that it is more convenient to get both at once. A 56-person April study also suggested that mixing Covid and flu shots strengthened the Covid antibody response in blood samples, but it is unclear how much that is beneficial. 
Taking both shots at the same time may also slightly increase the risk of side effects, but again these are often mild as per a CDC report. 
“Well, if you get them both together, you may probably get some pains, some shocks, and even a low grade temperature”, Joy added. 
She also said that when selecting the time to go and get any vaccine, one should not get this done if they are unwell. 
Almost any polling location dispenses vaccines to individuals who come down with influenza and are possible contacts of the confirmed cases, therefore it is preferable to get the vaccines when you are not infected,” she said. 
He asked me the price of the shots. 

Influenza immunisations are delivered in workplace clinics, doctors’ surgeries, chemist shops and other health care facilities. 
CVS pharmacy and Walgreens pharmacy has Covid and Flu vaccines available but we do not have Covid vaccines but Walmart pharmacy only has flu shots currently. Walmart stated that it is ready to distribute the Covid vaccine as soon as they are provided on the market. 
Those who have insurance do not have to pay from their pocket for the vaccines if they have gotten it from the contracted provider. The Covid and flu vaccination are also a part of the governmental program called Vaccines for Children if a child has no insurance. 
Those that have no insurance after they turn 18 may be able to get some vaccines for free or at a very cheap price in some of the federally qualified health centers or state or local health departments but there are common complaints that the vaccines are very scarce. However, if they could not afford to get insurance, the Covid vaccine costs between $150 to $200 unlike in previous years where everyone received the vaccine free of charge. The CDC’s Bridge Access Program for uninsured adults which funded the Covid vaccines ceased in August. 
While cost of flu vaccines vary and may be anywhere from $25 to well over $100 depending on the shot is administered.