Charlize Theron to Be Honored at Baby2Baby Gala

What happened on November 9 Baby2Baby will be giving Charlize Theron some love.
This Oscar award winner, renowned actress, producer and now philanthropist will be presented with the Giving Tree Award at the organization’s glamorous fundraising dinner in Los Angeles. According to Baby2Baby, the gong is awarded to a celebrity ‘who has shown great passion and dedication in raising the living standards of children in hardship. ’
Theron will be in good company as others who were honored in the previous years include, Salma Hayek Pinault, Kim Kardashian, Kerry Washington, Jennifer Garner, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jessica Alba, Kate Hudson, Amy Adams, Drew Barrymore, Chrissy Teigen, and Vanessa Bryant.
Theron said she is ‘deeply honored’ to get the lambs shine which pass through to her due to over three decades of works on various issues including education, reproductive health, prevention of gender based violence and HIV among youths, rights of the gay community and youths alongside others. In 2007, she created the Charlize Theron Africa Outreach Project and is also a United Nations Messenger of Peace.
About BABY2BABY’s work she said, “Their commitment to supporting women, children and families across the country is truly admirable. As a founder of CTAOP, I know how we can all make a change supporting youth and their communities, so I am happy to support BABY2BABY mission to make this world better.
Said Baby2Baby co-CEOs Norah Weinstein and Kelly Sawyer Patricof: “We are excited to present Charlize this year’s Giving Tree Award at Baby2Baby Gala. Charlize Theron has been advocating for children in her personal life and through her work with the Charlize Theron Africa Outreach Project and other organizations around the world. She has been an ardent advocate for vulnerable women and girls and as a women-led organization that supports families with single mothers, we appreciate Charlize’s support and we await to celebrate her
The sponsors of the event planned for this year are main sponsor Paul Mitchell, Merit, Volvo Car USA, Velocity Black and Summer Fridays. ooped is the largest fundraiser for the Baby2Baby org and allows the team to source more than 60 percent of its operating funds. Since its inception 13 years ago, Baby2Baby has been able to supply over 450 million basic needs among them diapers, formula& clothes to kids in homeless shelters, domestic violence shelters, foster care organizations, hospitals & disadvantaged schools.