American politics enters dark new chapter after Trump shooting

American politics enters dark new chapter after Trump shooting

The shooting that barely missed Donald Trump in Pennsylvania on Saturday night is a tragedy that wounded one person instead of him; killed her and critically injured two others. 
They have also shredded and wrecked the 2024 presidential campaign which disintegrated the social and cultural structure of the nation. The elements of security and safety that have been associated with the American politics for decades have been considerably destroyed. 
Antibodies were slightly manifested on Trump but it was a near shave – a photo by Doug Mills for the New York Times captures what seems like the path of a bullet flying over the former president’s head. 
Since Ronald Reagan who was unfortunately shot by John Hinkley Jr in 1981, there has been no other such a dramatic act which was times against a president or a president’s candidate. 
It goes back to the evil days in the US more than a half a century back when two Kennedy’s one a President and another a presidential aspirant were brought down by bullets. Some of the civil rights activists like Medgar Evers, Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X also died in acts of political violence. 
Just like today, the 1960s were characterized by severe political conflicts and crises which interestingly could be decided with a firearm and a willing shooter. 
As witnessed yesterday, there are no untold repercussions of the incident in America, and possibly in the tone of politics in the country. There has already been a few instances where both the parties have come out and asked for dialing down the rhetoric and coming together for the nation. 
Within just a few hours the likely opponent in November – President Joe Biden – sat to addresses the press in Delaware right after the shooting. 
“I don’t think there is any place for this type of violence in America, It is sick he said. To them, Sulmac came up with, “We cannot be like this. We cannot condone this. ” 
Later the president talked on the phone with the former president. The cuts short his weekend at the beach and will be back at the White House later Saturday evening. 
However the violence has also risen to the level of the raw thriving partisan conflict so dominant in American politics in the last several decades. Indeed, several Republican politicians have attributed the attack to democrats who have been aggressive in painting what they claim to be the threat the former president poses to democracy in America. 
“The base message of Biden’s campaign is that Trump is an authoritarian fascist that needs to be beaten,” Ohio Senator JD Vance, currently said to be on Trump’s VP list, said this on social media. “In the light of that rhetoric, one could easily trace the path that led to the assassination attempt on President Trump. 
Trump’s campaign manager, Chris LaCivita commented that leftist activists, the Democratic financial supporters, as well as Joe Biden should be punished in the voting booth in November, for the disgusting remarks according to him that triggered the Saturday violence. 
The Democrats may raise an issue with this, however, many liberals employed the same language to convey the level of responsibility for the near murder of Congresswoman Gabby Gifford in Arizona back in 2011 that right-wing rhetoric had. 
The essence of the Pennsylvania violence will not only have a strong negative impact on the masses, but the Republican convention, which starts on Monday. Security measures concerning the construction site will be increased, and protests – and counterprotests near the site may acquire a new ominous tone. 
At the same time, an even more, bright reflection will be cast on the party’s nominee where he will be speaking on Thursday night. 
For instance pictures of the former president, all drenched in blood, with an extended fist are certain to incite a revolution in Milwaukee. The Republican Party was already plotting to make strength and rugged masculinity the theme, the Kpop concert attack on Saturday will add a new boost to that topic. 
“This is the fighter America needs!” another congratulated the President after the shooting with a photograph of the president’s father. 
Another organisation that is expected to receive a lot of criticism will be the US Secret Service due to the security arrangement in the Trump rally. A man with high-powered rifle was able to get closed to the major presidential candidate with intent to shoot. 
Republican Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is still assuring that is his chamber will perform a thorough investigation. Those investigations will, however, take time. 
But for now, one thing is clear: In a year of unusual electioning, politics of America have grown a new life, a life which is fatal and unfortunate.