Alabama high school football player dies following 'medical emergency'

The New Brockton (Alabama) high school community begins the week in mourning. Several sources have it that Semaj Wilkins, a high school freshman football player, fell during practice on Tuesday and quietly passed on.
It is said to have happened when Wilkins and other players were preparing for practice at 4:30 in the afternoon From warmup drills, Wilkins developed what was described as a ‘medical emergency’ and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation was done on him at the playing ground. In a few minutes, emergency services came and the treatments were further administered by them, before the young athlete was taken to Medical Center Enterprise, where he was later declared dead.
‘It’s been an absolute kick in the gut to this small community,’ Coffee County Coroner Arnold Woodham said to Today. com. This is the first time that I’ve been alive and saw or heard something like this happening here. ”
Last summer, Coffee County Schools Superintendent Kelly Cobb posted on Facebook about Wilkins.
‘Semaj was a young man who, in a short time, touched so many people – friends, teammates and coaches, teachers and professors’, published Cobb. “His passing will be sorely missed by all the people that knew him. ”
The cause of death is still undetermined but the body will be sent for autopsy to the Alabama Department of Forensic Sciences. The outcome of that procedure may not be available for some weeks.
Furthermore, the Sheriff of Coffee County has made findings of the death, which happened on a day that the temperatures in the area were at 96-degree heat with the heat index of 100 degrees.
New Brockton was supposed to play a practice game against Barbour County on Friday evening but the high school community with pay tribute to Wilkins in the team’s stadium. It is still uncertain whether the team will be allowed for its game against Pike Liberal Arts in the opening of its regular season on August 23.